

A Data object is used to store both numeric and label data. There are two tables encapsulated within a Data object. The inputs tables contains data that is used as e.g. the inputs to an ANN. The outputs table is used to store such things as the generated outputs from an ANN recall operation, or the target outputs for a training operation. The number of input and output columns is specified when the object is created. Labels may also be present in a Data object. Labels are lists of strings that may be associated with each data row. The number of labels that may be associated with each row is variable. A Data object is created with a fixed number of storage rows which are automatically initialised to all zeroes. The number of data rows specifies how many storage rows are currently in use. Data may be appended to the end of a data set. If all storage rows are in use then further appends will cause the data to wrap around the rows, i.e. those rows at the start of the Data object will be overwritten.

Associated Commands

append, copy, create, denormalise, destroy, load, normalise, purgedata, resetdata, save, shuffle

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This page is maintained by Michael Watts (
Last modified on: 12/10/98.