The create command is used to create objects and assign them to aliases. The alias must not already be in use.
All object types.
create ObjectType alias NewAlias Arguments
ObjectType is the type of object to create
alias is the alias to assign the new object to
create BPTrainer alias NewAlias network NetworkAlias
network is the alias of the MLP or FuNN to train
create Data alias NewAlias inputs #Inputs outputs #Outputs rows #Rows labels on / off
inputs is the number of columns in the input table
outputs is the number of columns in theoutput table
rows is the number of storage rows to allocate
labels indicates whether of not labels are present
create DataStats alias NewAlias data DataAlias
data is the alias of the Data object of which to calculate the statistics
create FuNN alias NewAlias inputs #Inputs condition {InputMFArray} rules #RuleNodes action {OutputMFArray} outputs #Outputs
inputs is the number of input nodes
condition is an array specifying the number of condition nodes attached
to each input
rules is the number of rule nodes
action is an array specifying the number of action nodes attached
to each output
outputs is the number of output nodes
create GATrainer alias NewAlias network NetworkAlias minweight MinimumWeight maxweight MaximumWeight population Popsize
network is the alias of the MLP or FuNN to train
minweight is the minimum allowable value of connection weights
maxweight is the maximum allowable value of connection weights
population is the number of individuals in the training population
create Kohonen alias NewAlias dimensions #MapDimensions inputs #Inputs mapdim {MapDimensionsArray}
dimensions is the dimensionality of the output map
inputs is the umber of input nodes
mapdim is an array specifying the size of each dimension of the
output map
create KohonenTrainer alias NewAlias network NetworkAlias
network is the alias of the Kohonen to train
create LWFTrainer alias NewAlias network NetworkAlias
network is the alias of the FuNN to train by LWF
create MLP alias NewAlias layers #Layers inputs #Inputs hidden {HiddenLayersSizes} outputs #Outputs bias on / off
layers is the number of layers of nodes in the MLP
inputs is the number of input nodes in the MLP
hidden is an array of values describing the size of each hidden
outputs is the number of output nodes
bias indicates whether or not the MLP has a bias
This page is maintained by Michael Watts (
Last modified on: 12/10/98.