Delphi Data Set Statistical Functions

Statistics for a data set are calculated by a data statistics object. To retrieve data statistics you must first create a data statistics object using the supplied function.

CreateDataStats - creates a data statistics object
GetInputMaximums - returns the maximum values of the input columns
GetOutputMaximums - returns the maximum values of the output columns
GetMaximums - returns the maximum values of both input and output columns
GetInputMinimums - returns the minimum values of the input columns
GetOutputMinimums - returns the minimum values of the input columns
GetMinimums - returns the minimum values of both the input and output columns
GetInputAverages - returns the average values of the input columns
GetOutputAverages - returns the average values of the output columns
GetAverages - returns the average values of both the input and output columns

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This page is maintained by Michael Watts (
Last modified on: 12/10/98.