These functions are used to handle data sets. A data set object has a specific number of input and output columns, a list of text labels, and a specified number of rows allocated in memory. However, at any time the number of rows of data may be less than the physical rows.
CreateData - creates a data object
GetDataStructure - returns the structure
of the specified data object
AppendRow - adds a row of data to the end of
the data set
PurgeData - removes all data from the data
ResetData - resets the current data row pointer
to the start of the data set. Call this before GetNextRow
GetNextRow - steps through the data set one
row at a time
SaveData - saves the data set to file
LoadData - loads a data set form file
ShuffleData - takes data from one set, shuffles
it, and stores the shuffled data in another data object
LinearNormaliseInputs - performs
linear normalisation on inputs only
LinearNormaliseOutputs - performs
linear normalisation on outputs only
LinearNormaliseAll - performs linear
normalisation on both inputs and outputs
This page is maintained by Michael Watts (
Last modified on: 12/10/98.