Table of Contents

File format - MLP and FuNN

The training and recall files must be of the format below in order to be used.

[FormatVersion = 1.0] /*Optional, but recommended - format version should be 1.0*/

/*Comments can be inserted like this*/
/*You can have /*comments inside*/ other comments*/
/*This format is case insensitive. All spaces, newlines, tabs, commas and combinations of these are treated as a single space*/


[Rows = 10] /*The number of rows in the file. Currently required, but will be optional in later formats. */
[Inputs = 4] /*The number of inputs in the file. Defaults to 0*/
[ExpectedOutputs = 3] /*The number of outputs from the system. Defaults to 0.*/
[GeneratedOutputs = 0] /*This does not need to be included, but if it is it must come after the ExpectedOutputs. Defaults to 0.*/
[Error = 0] /*This does not need to be included, but if it is it must come after the GeneratedOutputs. Defaults to 0.*/

/*The rows of data go here, inputs...outputs e.g.: */
/*In FuNN the training data must be normalised*/
0.235294,0.625,0.067797,0.041667,1,0,0 /*Commas are treated as spaces*/
0.176471 0.416667 0.067797
0.041667 1 0 0
/*Extra row breaks do not matter - this line and the one above are treated as one row*/
0.11764 0.5 0.050847 0.041667 1 0 0 /*newlines are treated as spaces - this line and the next would be treated as 3 rows*/
0.088235 0.458333 0.084746 0.041667 1 0 0 0.205882 0.66666 0.067797 0.041667 1 0 0
0.01234 0.3456 0.45 0.46 0 1 0
0.856 0.886 0.2456 0.356 0 1 0
0.0562 0.13 0.12346 0.7 1 0 0
0.0455 0.4343 0.546 0.456 0 0 1
0.0865 0.233 0.006 0.7 0 0 1


This page is maintained by Melanie Middlemiss
Last modified on: 22/12/98.