
This app is used to perform fixed mode, backpropagattion, learning with forgetting training on a FuNN.


LWFFuNN parameterfile

Parameter File Example

WeightFile = iris.wgt
DestinationFile = iris-lwf.wgt
TrainingFile = iris.trn
Epochs = 10000
LearningRate = 0.8
Momentum = 0.5
ForgettingRate = 0.035
Batch = false

Parameter File Explained

WeightFile : file to load FuNN to train from
DestinationFile : file to save trained FuNN to
TrainingFile : file to load training data from
Epochs : number of epochs to train for
LearningRate : learning rate training parameter
Momentum : momentum training parameter
ForgettingRate : weight decay training parameter
Batch : true = use batch mode training, false don't

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This page is maintained by Michael Watts (http://mike.watts.net.nz)
Last modified on: 12/10/98.