

This app will create and save a fully connected, randomly initialised FuNN of the specified architecture.


CreateFuNN parameterfile

Parameter File Example

Inputs = 4
InputMF = 3 3 3 3
Rules = 20
Outputs = 3
OutputMF = 2 3 3
MinWeight = -5.0
MaxWeight = 5.0
FileName = iris.wgt

Parameter File Explained

Inputs : number of inputs to the FuNN
InputMF : number of membership functions to attach to each input. There must be one number for each input here
Rules : number of rule (hidden) nodes in the FuNN
Outputs : number of outputs in the network
OutputMF : number of membership functions to attach to each output. There must be one number for each output here
MinWeight : minimum weight value to assign to Condition to Rule or Rule to Action layers
MaxWeight : maximum weight value to assign to Condition to Rule or Rule to Action layers
FileName : name of file to save FuNN to

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This page is maintained by Michael Watts (
Last modified on: 12/10/98.