FuzzyCOPE 3 Licence and Disclaimer

FuzzyCOPE 3 is free software and may be used by any number of users on any number of systems without fee or obligation, subject only to the terms and conditions laid out below.

FuzzyCOPE 3 is NOT in the public domain - the author, University of Otago (Department of Information Science), retains copyright and exclusively reserves all rights to the software. In countries where assertion of the right to be identified as the author is required for copyright purposes, the University of Otago (Department of Information Science) asserts it's right to be recognised as the author and outright owner of the FuzzyCOPE 3 system and all its components.

Modification of the software without the author's explicit written permission is strictly forbidden.

Modification of the provided Application Programming Interface (API) libraries without the author's explicit written permission is strictly forbidden.

Modification of the example data files and example source code is permitted, provided that credit for the origin of these examples is given to the author of the software.

Use of the API libraries in the development of commercial products and distribution of the FuzzyCOPE 3 engine Dynamic Link Library FC3.dll with these products is permitted, provided that the DLL is distributed unchanged, that full and complete credit for this DLL is given to the Department of Information Science, and that reference to the FuzzyCOPE 3 web site at http://kel.otago.ac.nz/software/FuzzyCOPE3/ is clearly made.

FuzzyCOPE 3 may be freely distributed via any medium, either commercial or non-commercial, provided the following conditions are met:

1: Individual distribution of each ZIP file from the web site is permitted, provided that the source of the software, in the form of the FuzzyCOPE 3 URL, is explicitly stated, and that each ZIP file is distributed unchanged.

2: No charge may be directly levied for FuzzyCOPE 3 itself; fair copying and support charges may be applied but you must not represent that you are actually selling the software itself. The intent of this statement is to allow book publishers to distribute the system freely with books, and to permit Software Libraries and BBS systems to distribute FuzzyCOPE 3 in their catalogues provided only reasonable handling and duplication fees are charged.

3: You may not represent ownership or copyright in the system in the course of distribution, and you must not represent any specific connection with, or authorisation or license from the author and copyright owner.

While every effort has been made to ensure the quality of the software, the University of Otago (Department of Information Science) accept no liability whatsoever for any damage or loss resulting from the use or misuse of this software.

No warranty whatsoever is made regarding the appropriateness of this software for any specific purpose.

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This page is maintained by Michael Watts (http://mike.watts.net.nz)
Last modified on: 26/11/98.