

Performs linear normalisation on both the inputs and outputs of a data set. Values that would be normalised to outside the range [0, 1] are truncated so that they do not fall outside this range.

Function Declaration

function LinearNormaliseAll ( StgSource : string; StgDestination : string; DyaFltInputMins : Variant; DyaFltInputMaxs : Variant; DyaFltOutputMins : Variant; DyaFltOutputMaxs : Variant ) : integer;


StgSource : alias of source data object
StgDestination : alias to assign normalised data object to
DyaFltInputMins : one dimensional variant aray of reals containing the minimum values of each input column
DyaFltInputMaxs : one dimensional variant array of reals containing the maximum values for each input column
DyaFltOutputMins : one dimensional variant aray of reals containing the minimum values of each output column
DyaFltOutputMaxs : one dimensional variant array of reals containing the maximum values for each output column

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This page is maintained by Michael Watts (
Last modified on: 12/10/98.